Security & Fraud...
Below are our articles on the subject of Security & Fraud. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Avoid Scams When Making Internet Credit Card Payments
Over four million online shoppers have been scammed in the UK and this could have been avoided by ensuring safety checks are made before providing credit card details....

Computer Viruses And Credit Card Fraud
Credit card fraud has been on the increase in the UK, and combating computer viruses should be a concern for users who make online transactions using their credit cards....

Latest Online Shopping Credit Card Scam to Hit the UK
An estimated 33 million people in the UK use the internet to shop and access bank accounts, and the scammers are using increasingly sophisticated fraud methods to dupe…...

Preventing Credit Card Fraud
How to avoid personal credit card fraud and identity theft...

Stop Identity Theft
How to Stop and prevent Identity Theft...

The Latest Credit Card Fraud Methods
Credit card fraud is on the rise in the UK and the latest fraud methods include sophisticated technology designed to gain personal and financial details....

Victim of Credit Card Fraud
A guide to what you need to do if you have fallen victim to credit card fraud, plus some useful tips on how to prevent it happening again....

What Card Companies Do For Victims of Card Fraud
A description of what happens if you have been a victim of credit card fraud and what the credit card firm can do to help you....

What is Credit Card Fraud?
Credit card fraud explained...

Why do Credit Cards Have Expiry Dates?
An article explaining why credit cards have expiry dates....

Why do People Commit Credit Card Fraud?
A look at why fraudsters commit credit card fraud and why it is sometimes made easy for criminals to get your card details....